Blog Post

I always hear people say, "I wish I could be healthier, but I just don't have the brain space." They don't dare take the leap. They don't dare try to be healthier. 

It doesn't have to be that way. It's not a secret that if you don't take care of yourself, there are a lot of negative consequences, the least of which are illness and obesity. There are so many other things though. Fatigue, stress, depression, anxiety, negative effects on your relationships, negative effects on your work productivity. Taking care of your physical body and your emotional well-being goes so far beyond what you see in the mirror or not getting sick. If you're able to prioritize getting healthy and fit, you get to be the absolute best version of you in every aspect of your life.

Here are three of the things that tend to stop us from getting healthier or starting this journey.

It takes so much time.

We often make things a way bigger deal than they really are. When it comes to planning and preparing food or workouts, it's really a matter of quality over quantity. Workouts don't need to be several hours long; you can be efficient and effective in just 30 minutes a day. Similarly, if you are efficient in your meal planning and preparing, it can take less than an hour to plan a whole week's worth of food and meals, including ordering your groceries. Prepping and cooking can take less than 30 minutes a day. It's a matter of using your time wisely, having an effective plan for how to start eating healthy and exercising, and then executing that plan.

We don’t want to be handcuffed.

Feeling as though we are handcuffed to the treadmill or handcuffed and not able to eat the foods we love and do the things we love to do, stops us from choosing to start a journey toward better health. We believe that we'll be heavily restricted and exercising for countless hours, not able to enjoy the foods we want to enjoy or experience social things that we normally experience.

Ironically, creating a healthy lifestyle shift is only successful if you don't restrict yourself or exercise to the point of exhaustion. The key is to adjust your diet and movement patterns to fit into your lifestyle and your family. Modifying the life that you're already living to include those more helpful habits is the best way to ensure long term success.

It's one more thing to add to your list.

The last thing that often stops us from taking that leap to being healthier and prioritizing our self-care as that it feels like it's just one more thing that you must stress over. You already have so many things you're planning and doing, the idea of one more thing, whether it makes you healthier or not, just feels overwhelming. It feels like you just can't do one more thing.

Again, we often make mountains out of molehills. Don't overcomplicate it. Don't change everything all at once. Slowly adjust your life that are sustainable, that are manageable and that fit your lifestyle. Eat that elephant one bite at a time, pun intended. Do it by taking the bite that is going to be the most effective first and move forward from there.

You don’t have to fly solo!

While you're at it, enlist someone to help you, hire a coach. Use someone that knows how to do this and has implemented it not just for other people, but in their own lives. Methodically shifting your habits into those of a healthy, sustainable, lifestyle will keep your stress and overwhelm to a minimum and allow you to finally start feeling good again.

I get it, you just want to feel good. There's not really a definition of what good is, is there? You just know what it is when you're there. Let me show you how together, we can make those shifts that will give you more energy and less stress. Shifts that'll allow you to keep juggling all the balls that you're already juggling. You don't have to set aside anything to put yourself on the schedule.

So please reach out to me, send me a message, comment here, and let me know how I can help you. To schedule a discovery call to see how we can work together to make sure that the time and energy you are putting into yourself is the most effective it can be, click here. Let's get you feeling good again. It does not have to be overwhelming. In fact, it shouldn't be!

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