Blog Post

I know what it’s like to be pulled in a million directions. I’ve been there! I know what it’s like to be taking care of young children while still trying to do my job, further my career, and be a good partner and friend. I know exactly how overwhelming that can be! If you’re dealing with that right now, you might feel like you can’t even think about putting your individual needs on your to-do list. 

It’s so easy to completely abandon yourself. It doesn’t happen overnight, but gradually over time. At a certain point you stop even checking in with yourself because you’re so accustomed to focusing on everyone else. But that mindset of putting everyone before yourself isn’t serving you. And when it comes down to it, neglecting yourself isn’t serving your family, friends, or work either. So it’s time to stop the madness! I did it, and you can do it too.

How can you reclaim your health and well-being?

One of the biggest roadblocks to creating a healthy lifestyle is finding time. The most common thing I hear with new clients is, “
I just don’t have the time.” And I get it. You don’t have the time to workout. You don’t have the time to get a full night’s sleep. You don’t have the time to make a healthful meal. You don’t have the time to eat breakfast. You don’t have time to think or breathe or function… and I know you’re telling the truth. I know you’re not exaggerating. So if you want to make healthy changes, there are a few things that have to happen first…

Clarify your priorities

First, clarify what your priorities are. The difference between healthy sacrifice and self-abandonment is that sacrifice is a conscious, deliberate choice to forgo one thing for the sake of something greater. Healthy sacrifice is balanced with self-care and it strengthens relationships. Be clear about what and who you are willing to sacrifice your time, energy, and effort for. Know your bigger goals that you are working towards as an individual, as a partner, as a family, and as a friend. 

And start thinking of your health and well-being as an asset towards your goals! Because that’s what it is. I know that you prioritize the health of your kids, and your partner, and your parents, and anyone else you care about. Your health is an equal priority. It isn’t something you should sacrifice. It’s something that is going to help you with all of your other goals.

Create boundaries

Next, now that you know your priorities, start thinking about what you can exclude. Whether you’re a high-achiever or a people-pleaser, one of the hardest things in the world is saying no. It’s very, very easy to get into a pattern of saying yes to everything. But that pattern isn’t good for your well-being and, frankly, it isn’t leading to good results. We’ve all had the school function that we agreed to volunteer at even though we were already over-extended. And the end result isn’t good. Details are missed, things don’t get done, and in the end, our efforts weren’t really that helpful.

Learning to create boundaries and say no is a skill that’s going to make you healthier and more successful in your goals. So instead of saying yes to all the things, start saying yes to the things that are good for you, your family, and your livelihood. Let that be your boundary. And if you struggle with discerning in-the-moment if you have time for a task, you can always respond with,  “I’ll get back to you.” Then you’ll have time to make an informed decision.


Third, what can you delegate? Listen, I can be a control freak. I know this. I don’t just like to do all the things, I like to
manage all the things. I want to be the troop mom, the club president, and the boss. But one of the biggest things I’ve had to learn is I can’t focus on the things that light my fire if I’m weighed down with a hundred tiny errands. So I delegate and I automate. And even if it isn’t done exactly how I would do it, or as good as I would do it, it’s worth it to be able to focus elsewhere.

You might also balk at the idea of hiring help, but trust me, that discomfort will disappear the minute that task is off your plate. Hire someone to do your laundry, mow your lawn, or walk your dog. Have your groceries delivered. Hire a virtual assistant to handle your email and spreadsheets, and book your calls. Think of the daily/weekly task that you hate doing the most. And outsource it.

Get support

Finally, get support. If you feel like you aren’t using your time as efficiently as you want to, you’re in great company! Time management is a skill. And there are so many resources out there that can help you plan and manage your day.

I have a bunch of resources that you’re more than welcome to! One of them is my Healthy Lifestyle Planner. You can use it every day to stay on top of every part of your day. I also have the Power Hour Planner. You can use that one every night before you go to bed to set yourself up for the next day. It walks you through everything. I also have the Dream Big Planner. It’s there to help you work through the big-picture decisions. 

Download any of these planners
and either print them out or use them digitally. But be sure to let me know what you used and how it worked for you! I want you to both look and feel like the badass that you are. But the only way that can happen is you start valuing your health and wellness and making it a priority! If you’re ready to do that, then shoot me a message so we can work through the rest of it together!

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