Blog Post

August signals back-to-school for many families across the country. In many ways, it's way more stressful for the parents than the kids. After all, kids are just excited to go hang out with some friends. But moms? They are usually spinning out of control, and I want to assure you it’s going to be okay. This season inspired me to ask, “What does back to school mean to you?”

What does back to school mean to you?

For many families, it can mean more hectic schedules, meals on the run, extra time in your car. This morning, I was experiencing some emotion around seeing both of my children head off in different directions; they are milestone ages and it’s the first time in about two and a half years that I won’t have a child doing school at home. Beyond the emotions, the craziness, what does back to school really mean to you?

I invite you to reframe everything and see back to school as an opportunity for structure and routine. As much as we get tired of routines, they help us keep things under control and keep ourselves healthy. Many of us find it harder to maintain our health and make ourselves a priority when we are enjoying a summer filled with vacations, parties. Fall allows us to have structured schedules. 

How can a structured schedule benefit you? 

Create a Plan 

I work with driven female leaders so we know a thing or two about hectic schedules. In my own family, I have kids going in different directions all the time. They attend different schools, with two completely different schedules, participate in different sports, and they enjoy different activities. It can be a little bit overwhelming! 

Having a solid plan prevents the “how-am-I-going-to-be-in-all-these-places-at-once-and-still-run-my-business-and-practice-self-care” moments. The key is planning like your life depends on it, because in many ways it does.  If you plan it out, and you know all your ducks are in a row, life is good. If you don't plan properly, that's when you end up at football practice without cleats, or you get a call from your kid at school without lunch, or you realize you’re at work without your briefcase.

Manage Your Meals

When it comes to meals on the go, it can be very tempting to grab a pizza at your local $5 joint when you're running through town. I'm going to challenge you to get creative. Spend some time online, Google some recipes while you're in that carpool line (because you know you're gonna be sitting there for a minute), and plan out your meals for the week and a shopping list. Search for “easy” recipes: easy to prepare, easy to eat, and easy to clean up. You can find some of my favorite recipes
here and here.

There are really cool recipes and meals that don’t require heating and can be eaten on the go. I also recommend this to my clients who are on their feet all day. Some of my favorite go-to meals for this season are salads in mason jars, wraps filled with different kinds of chicken salad or tuna salad, and other options that only require a fork and nothing else. 

Feed Your Mind

The extra drive time and the carpool lane are perfect opportunities for you to be productive. Don’t mindlessly scroll through Facebook or Instagram. Instead make your grocery list, find some recipes, plan tomorrow, figure out what you can do to utilize that time. 

Another thing I love to do in my car is listen to podcasts, listen to books, and engage your mind in things that build you up, fill your cup, and help you to feel better.  Need a great podcast to get you started? Take a listen to
HomBod, a podcast all about creating a happy home, head, and health. Your mind is so powerful, and it can support you in your goals to be a better mom, business owner, partner, whatever. So don't waste that car time.

Schedule a Power Hour

If you’ve read this far and are thinking, this all sounds great, but how do I do all this? I created a tool several years ago called the
Power Hour Planner. I designed it specifically for this reason. 

Every night our family takes our Power Hour and we sit down and we look at tomorrow. Together we review: everybody's starting school; we have football practice; we have carpools; and so on. Essentially who needs to be where at what time and what do they need to take with them? Do they need to take a change of clothes? Are you going to the gym? Do you need to take gym clothes? Do you need a protein drink for after your workout? What do we need to take snacks for recess? 

We sit down as a family, and everybody does their own power hour planning. I do not do it for my children. They are big kids, they can do it. Kids around age 7 can start using their own planner and taking responsibility and ownership with your support. [
R] They pack their own bags and organize their own day. When you get yourself prepared for the day beginning with the night before, mornings are less stressful. The day can begin on a calm note. 

You are welcome to
use my planner for your own family’s Power Hour. It’s downloadable, fillable, and free. And I promise it’s a game changer. You are in control of your time. Most important, make sure that you can put yourself on there too: mom's workout, mom's meals. If you need help setting up your schedule, finding time for you, or creating a sustainable self-care routine, schedule a call with me today.

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