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Why Halloween Candy is F*cking Up Your Kid's Relationship with Food

You think Halloween is all about cute costumes and harmless fun? Think again. I'm getting a little ranty, because this shit pisses me off. We're talking psychological warfare on our kids, one mini Snickers at a time.

The Candy Conundrum: What's Your Halloween Philosophy?

The Candy Stash Under My Bed

Remember the days when Halloween was simple? For me, it was all about hoarding candy under my bed. My dad was convinced that every piece of candy was a potential death trap filled with razor blades. So, I had to wait until he inspected each piece.

Growing up, candy was a rare commodity in my house. My parents didn't have a lot of money and prioritized healthy food. So, when Halloween came around, I hoarded that candy like it was gold. I'd save it as long as I could trying to stretch it out, until my dog eventually sniffed out my stash.

The Many Faces of Halloween Parenting

What's Your Candy Strategy?

Are you the parent who lets your kid eat all the candy they want on the first day and then tosses the rest? Or maybe you're the type who only gives out toys instead of candy? Every parent has a strategy, and each one sends a different message to our kids.

The Impact of Your Candy Philosophy

Whether you're a trunk-or-treater or a candy purist, your approach to Halloween candy teaches your kids something about food. And trust me, they're paying attention.

If you're the parent who lets your kids eat all the candy they want and then takes it away, what message are you sending? You're imprinting in their brains that if they don't eat their candy right away, someone's going to take it from them. Fast forward to adulthood, and you've got a person who can't resist shoving a candy bar in their face the moment they see one.

Or how about the "eat as much as you want now, we're getting rid of it tomorrow" approach? You're programming your kid's brain to binge before it's gone. Is that really the message you want to imprint in your kid's brain about candy or anything else?

And then there's the trunk-or-treat phenomenon. Sure, it's efficient, but at what cost? You're essentially telling your kids that it's okay to take shortcuts in life, even at the expense of meaningful experiences.

So, before you decide on your Halloween candy strategy, think about the long-term impact. It's not just about one night; it's about the habits and attitudes they'll carry into adulthood.

Trunk or Treat: The Modern Dilemma

The first Halloween with my son was a ghost town. Literally. No kids, no candy, just a bunch of empty houses. Why? Because everyone was at the trunk-or-treat event, collecting two pounds of candy in five minutes. What happened to the good old days of running around the neighborhood?

The Lazy Way

Trunk-or-treat events might be efficient, but they're robbing kids of the Halloween experience. Remember running around in the dark, ringing doorbells, and spending time with your parents? That's all getting lost, and it's a damn shame. The whole point of trick-or-treating was to have an adventure, to spend time with family, and yes, to get some exercise before devouring that candy. Trunk-or-treat takes all that away.

The Psychology of Candy Binging

Programming for a Lifetime of Food Issues

If you let your kids binge on Halloween candy, you're setting them up for a lifetime of unhealthy eating habits. According to a study published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, binge eating tendencies in childhood can lead to long-term psychological issues.

The Imprint of Scarcity

When you give your kids a mountain of candy and then take it away, you're teaching them to binge before it's gone. A study from the Journal of Consumer Research shows that scarcity can lead to impulsive behavior, a message that could haunt them into adulthood. 

The Anatomy of Candy Choices

It's Not Just Sugar, It's Science

Your body isn't a garbage disposal. It's a finely tuned machine that reacts differently to different types of food. So, if you're going to let your kids indulge, at least know what you're getting into.

The Science of Glucose

When your kids are running around the neighborhood, their muscles are using glucose for energy. According to the American Journal of Physiology, muscles are the primary sites of glucose disposal. So, if they eat candy right after all that activity, the sugar is less likely to be stored as fat. If you're trunk-or-treating and your kid isn't getting that exercise, you're setting them up for a sugar crash and potential weight gain.

The Timing Matters: When to Eat That Snickers

I let my kids have their candy, but timing is everything. After football practice? Go ahead, have your protein and a Snickers. Your body is going to gobble it up, and it's not going to store it. But right before bed? Bad idea. We have the conversation: "Is it a good idea to have a big burst of energy right before you're trying to sleep?" The answer is usually a resounding "No, Mom, it's not."

The Real Deal on Sugar and Energy

Sugar isn't just empty calories; it's quick energy. But that energy can be a double-edged sword. It can give you a quick boost, sure, but it can also lead to a rapid crash. I teach my kids to understand what sugar does to their bodies. Is it a good idea to have a sugar rush right before a test? Probably not. But maybe it's okay before an intense physical activity where they'll burn it off.

The Healthy Alternative: JoJo's Chocolate

The Chocolate That Doesn't Mess Around

Love chocolate but hate the sugar crash? I've got you covered. JoJo's Chocolate is my go-to for a reason. It's low on sugar, high on protein, and it actually tastes good. I eat JoJo's Chocolate every single day. It's that good. And because I believe in it, I'm proud to be an affiliate.

Let's talk flavors. My personal favorite? The raspberry one. But don't sleep on the macadamia nut with coconut or the traditional dark chocolate with some pistachios on it. These are all the yum with zero guilt. The best part? JoJo's comes in fun-sized pieces year-round, not just at Halloween. So you can have that one-and-done satisfaction any time you need a chocolate fix. No need to wait for a holiday to treat yourself or your kids.

Why JoJo's Over Any Other Chocolate

Why do I love JoJo's so much? Because they align with my philosophy. They're not just about satisfying your sweet tooth; they're about offering a healthier alternative that still feels indulgent. And let's face it, we all need a little indulgence in our lives, especially when it comes with a side of protein.

Time to Face the Truth

The Uncomfortable Reality: Your Candy Philosophy Matters

It's easy to dismiss Halloween as just one night of the year. But let's not kid ourselves. The choices you make, the messages you send—these things stick with your kids. I've seen it firsthand, both in my own upbringing and in the way my kids react to candy.

The REVIVE Program: Where Real Change Happens

This is a huge reason why I started coaching and REVIVE. Because it's not just about diet plans or workout routines. It's about reshaping your entire approach to health and wellness, and that includes how you handle things like Halloween candy. In REVIVE, we dig deep into the psychology of food choices and how they impact not just you, but your entire family.

Don't Be Part of the Problem

This Halloween, think before you act. Don't be the parent who's setting their kid up for a lifetime of unhealthy eating habits. Be the change you want to see. And if you're struggling with this, let's talk. I promise I won't preach; I'll help you see where some of the issues might be coming from and point you toward solutions.

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