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Swap the Wine for a Walk:

Unveiling Your Inner Badass One Step at a Time

Rediscovering Your Authentic Self: Aligning Your Exterior with Your Inner Truth

In the hustle of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of who we truly are. Caught up in the demands and expectations of others, our genuine selves can become overshadowed by a version we hardly recognize—a version shaped not by our own desires and aspirations but by external influences that dictate how we should look, act, and feel. Today, I want to explore whether the person you present to the world is truly reflective of who you are inside. Are you showcasing your true self, or have life’s challenges caused you to present a persona that doesn't resonate with your core?

The Mirror Doesn't Lie, Or Does It?

There comes a moment for many of us, a quiet reckoning, when we look in the mirror and the reflection staring back doesn't match the vibrancy and energy we feel inside. This reflection can be disheartening—it might show a person who looks drained, overwhelmed, and far from the powerhouse they aspire to be. For many of the women I work with, this is a familiar scene. They come to me not because they fail to recognize their potential but because the mirror no longer reflects their inner badass, the leader, the dynamo with a million ideas and endless energy. Instead, they see someone who appears defeated by life's relentless pace.

Small Steps Towards Big Changes

The journey to realigning your exterior with your inner truth doesn’t require monumental shifts overnight. It's about small, deliberate actions that collectively redefine how we see ourselves and how others perceive us. So, what’s one small step you can take today to start this alignment? It doesn't have to be grand; it just needs to signal a commitment to change. Maybe it's forgoing the glass of wine to unwind in lieu of a sunset walk.

During a recent workshop, I focused exclusively on these small steps—the little tweaks we can all make that pave the way to significant changes. Everyone is capable of change; science backs this up. It’s about knowing the right steps to take and having the motivation to follow through. Whether it's deciding to wake up 15 minutes earlier to enjoy a quiet morning, opting for a walk instead of scrolling through your phone, or preparing a healthy meal once a week, these are all feasible changes that can make a substantial difference.

Embracing the Challenge of Change

Changing our habits and, subsequently, our appearance is daunting, and it's normal to feel overwhelmed by the prospect. I remember a time when the thought of altering my routine seemed almost impossible. I was juggling so much already, how could I possibly add more? But then it hit me—the discomfort of stagnation was far worse than the challenge of change. So, I started small, putting one foot in front of the other, doing one thing at a time.

And that’s exactly what I encourage my clients to do. Change doesn’t have to be a solitary struggle; it’s a path we can walk together, one step at a time. The importance of consistency cannot be overstated—it’s not just about making changes but making them stick.

You Are In Charge

If day after day you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, or if you feel invisible when presenting yourself to the world, it’s time to take charge. You have the power to change how long it takes and the steps you take to get there. It's about small, manageable commitments that lead to big wins. 

And remember, the change is for you. Whether you want to feel more like yourself or project your true potential to the world, you're in control.

You decide every day who you want to be and how you want to show up.

Real change starts with a single step—a tiny, seemingly insignificant action that sets the wheels of transformation in motion. What will your one small step be today? Share it, own it, and start building the momentum that will carry you back to yourself, back to the person you are meant to be.

As always, I’m here to support you on your journey. Reach out, take that step, and let's make those changes together. You deserve to be seen for the powerhouse that you are. Let's reclaim our reflections and ensure the world sees us as we truly are—dynamic, capable, and unstoppable.

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