Blog Post

When I talk to people about getting healthier, choosing healthier, or making a change in their life, I hear one of several different “reasons” that they’ve been unsuccessful. Being able to identify them allows you to remove them as a barrier and allows you to move forward toward your goals without making excuses.

I don't have time.

Raise your hand if you have oodles of extra time. Not jumping up for that one? Well, you’re in good company because none of us do. Especially now that life is starting to return to a faster pace.

It takes years to learn and understand the many facets of diet, exercise, and mindset. If you don't have a lot of extra time to do the research, you end up getting the headlines, the snippets, or the quick 15 second bites of information. That leads to your best intentions backfiring on you. You end up trying the newest, latest, greatest whatever, and having it cause you more harm than good because you didn't execute it correctly or because you didn't know that it wasn't appropriate for you. You only read or learned, the surface level information, and a deeper understanding is what is needed to apply any diet or exercise program.

Trial and error can be time-consuming as well. After six weeks, nine weeks, or twelve weeks of a new workout or a new diet, sometimes we conclude that it hasn't worked. Then you realize not only have you lost that time but sometimes you must fix further damage that was done. It can take years to find the right thing by trial and error.

The most effective way to change your body is to find someone to streamline it for you, filter out the noise, to help you figure out exactly what is going to work for you. Working with someone who knows the deeper information, not just the surface-level stuff is what will get you results fast.

I have had many clients come to me after they have “tried everything”. One just barely came to me recently saying that she tried another program, and they put her on an eating plan, which actually led her to gain 25 pounds. That would have been cool if that was her goal. But unfortunately, her goal was the opposite of that, she was trying to lose fat and gain muscle. Now not only has she lost that time in that program, but she's added on extra time to reaching her goal of trying to lose the extra 25 pounds.

I explained to her that my philosophy is to teach my clients how to eat to fuel their bodies for the lifestyle that they want to live so that they don't have to depend on me forever. She asked if I offer meal plans. I said, “No, I don't do meal plans, because you're an adult”.

Life happens.

What if you want to go to a restaurant?

What if you want to go to a party?

What if a holiday event happens?

What if you're just bored, and you want to try something new?

It's critical to learn what fuels your body so that you can make educated choices in those situations. Not just for the six weeks of your plan, but for the duration of your life. I want you to learn what foods do for your body. What the optimal eating plan is for your body, forever.

It’s too expensive.

Investing in your body is an investment for life. Getting healthy is an investment in your future. It's an investment in your longevity. It's going to make you feel way better than the new pair of designer jeans, Lulu leggings, or a fancy bag.

Those jeans and leggings may make you look good because they suck in at just the right places, but they don't do anything for how you're going to feel in 20 years, 30 years, or 40 years. They don't do anything for what you're going to be able to do in 20 years. Investing in your body is about so much more. It's about taking care of yourself so that you can have the life that you want to live, way down the road.

Eating all organic, grass-fed, cage-free, would be amazing, but sometimes it's just not realistic. If it is your priority, you will find a way, and you'd probably have to sacrifice some stuff to do it. I'm all about not sacrificing though, self-care without sacrifice. I want you to find the happy medium. I want you to find a way to eat well and not have to give up a whole bunch of things in order just to be able to buy specific kinds of food.

Ways to eat well, affordably:

Eat-in season and eat whole foods. The processing, breaking down, and boxing costs money. Fruits and vegetables that are not in season, shipped from around the world, cost more. Eat what's in season and source your protein locally. You'll get a much higher quality of food for an affordable price. Plus, you'll be supporting local farmers, which is always good to do.

Exercise is free.

There's that. Knowing the right exercise to do, however, is priceless. (Remember those credit card commercials?)

You can either waste your time trying to find the right thing to do on your own and invest in a whole bunch of equipment gadgets, gizmos, or you can invest in expertise that will get you where you want to go, right now. You don't need all those gizmos; you don't need all that equipment. You don't even need a gym membership. What you need is 10 square feet, maybe some resistance bands, and your body weight. And let's face it, most of us have a little bit extra of that to carry around so there's your resistance training.

I had a client over the summer, who was from Florida. Everything was shut down at that time and the only place he had to work out was his back porch area. All he had as resistance bands. He was fully willing to invest in a bunch of equipment. I told him to save money for some really nice training shoes and use what he had.

I gave him a workout that he could do with his resistance bands in his small space. After he had done it, he saw how effective and efficient it was, without all the other stuff. He was so excited because then he had that extra capital to invest in other things to benefit himself.

So, save your money and invest in the knowledge that helps you use all the stuff more efficiently and more effectively.

I need someone to make me do it.

No, you don't.

You need someone to hold you accountable. If you're dependent on someone to stand next to you and talk you through each move, and every workout, you are not taking ownership of your own goals.

To be successful with any goal, you must be the one to do the work.

You are in charge.

You are an adult, put on your big kid pants and get out there and do the work.

One of my most favorite clients that I've ever had, had never lifted weights out on the weight room floor. She'd gone to group fitness classes but never out on the main floor. When we connected, we created a small plan for her that she could do in a little corner of the gym with a few weights. She didn't have to walk around, but she was still super uncomfortable.

She was also determined. She refused to allow the discomfort of being out in the gym with other people to stop her. To change your life, you have to be willing to be uncomfortable. Comfortable is what got you here, and it’s what's going to keep you here.

You need a coach to help you make a plan that works for your goals in your body. You need a coach to help you determine how to lose the fat most effectively or gain the muscle.

You don't need a babysitter. You don't need someone to hold your hand. If you feel like you need someone to hold your hand. You're not ready.

Only you can do this work. Only you can make these changes.

It's not about having enough time because you have plenty.

It's not about having enough money because you have plenty.

It's about being willing to be uncomfortable.

It's about being willing to invest in yourself.

It's going to take a hard look in the mirror and stern conversation with yourself to determine the goals that you have, the changes that you want to make, and what you're willing to do to get there.

You know I love making people uncomfortable. So, if you need a little help, you know where to find me. Click this link to schedule a discovery call right now.

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