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You feel uncomfortable in your own skin. You feel like people judge you. You avoid certain situations because you feel like your body isn’t what it should be. Your family is struggling too. They may not voice it, but they feel the same way you do.

You are the leader of your pack. The choices you make for and about yourself determine not just your own health, but that of everyone in your home. From the tradition of ice cream to celebrate a win, to fried chicken on Sunday, your family’s lifestyle has a lot to do with how you look and feel. We greatly underestimate the importance of parents’ role in child nutrition.

Hey High Achiever, we’re talking to you!

Parents who are successful, motivated and driven individuals tend to place a high level of importance on their children’s success too.

You choose great schools and special after school programs. You are careful to follow all the guidelines when it comes to screen time or reading to little ones. It’s important to you that you are doing everything right when it comes to parenting.

Along the way, you forget to take care of yourself. While your intentions are in the right place, we all know kids do what you do, not what you say. Setting an example by taking care of yourself will carry them into adulthood with a great foundation and understanding of health and wellness.

Take the lead

The most rewarding part of coaching my clients to understand exercise, nutrition, and mindset, is watching their success spill over to their family and friends. Women/mothers still tend to be the primary decision-makers when it comes to family meals and activities. For this reason, I know if I can help mom feel amazing, she’ll then start to help her kids to make better choices and offer them healthier options.

We know parents want their kids to be healthy and happy.

Geeky science stuff – skip to the next section if it’s not your thing.

There have been numerous studies on the topic, all of which have found similar results. When the parents are focused on healthy living, the children are healthier and less obese.

One study conducted by Dr. Leonard H. Epstein, an expert on childhood obesity at the University of Buffalo, found that when obese parents and children worked together, both were more successful at losing weight and making healthy changes.

In the study, his team assigned obese children, ages 8 to 12, to different types of weight loss programs. The groups were taught about healthy diet, behaviors, and exercise. For some groups, positive feedback and encouragement for weight loss and behavior changes were given only to the child. Other groups focused on both the child and an obese parent.

After both groups successfully lost weight and returned to normal life, they were revisited 10 years later.

Over time, most parents gradually began to regain their lost weight. But, more than 40% of the kids who worked with their parents had maintained a weight reduction of at least 20%.

Kids really do follow their parents' lead.

You have the power to overcome your own programming.

Many adults I work with struggle because they were never taught as children, to eat vegetables or a variety of foods. Now as adults it’s difficult to make healthy choices because they just don’t like them.

The good news is that your taste buds recycle every 60 days so you have the opportunity to learn to like new things.

Kids typically must taste a new food 9 to 15 times to begin to like it, and kids are more likely to try a new food if they’re eating in a setting that’s relaxing and pleasant. So make it an adventure for everyone!

You’ve done plenty of hard things, right? Trying a new vegetable every week is just a new challenge.


Family influence is powerful

How does your family influence your food choices? Here are a few ways:

  • Celebrations and holiday traditions
  • Little habits like dessert every night or snacks to watch a TV show
  • Dishes that “we always have on ______” (insert holiday or occasion)
  • Limited exposure. If you don’t like it, you probably will not purchase, prepare, or offer it to your family.

Take a look at the areas just listed and consider how you have been influenced and how you are influencing your family. These areas are great opportunities to create new, healthy habits and traditions.

Body composition is NOT genetic

Genetics dictates our height, basic build, and some predisposition to medical conditions. They do not dictate body composition. Rather, our lifestyle and traditions influence our eating habits, which leads to certain body compositions.

If your parents were healthy eaters and highly active, you likely are as well. If they were sedentary and ate mostly processed foods, you likely will as well.

In one large survey of kids under age 12, mom and dad ranked highest as their children's nutrition role models.

If you want to look different than your family, you will need to behave differently than they do. Your eating habits and lifestyle will need to guide you toward the body type you desire.

You Are In Charge.

You are in charge of your body, your health, and the health of those around you. Rise to the challenge, commit to changing your lifestyle for the better and those you love will follow suit.

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