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Being healthy and strong doesn't mean you have to do it solo! One thing that has helped me maintain my sanity, kept me grounded, and allowed me to keep achieving my goals, has been the support I can count on from my husband. It's taken some practice but I've learned that allowing my pride to take a back seat while asking for help, is the secret to continuing to move in the right direction. We all get tired, burned out and frustrated. Recognizing this and asking for help is the difference between giving up and being able to push forward. I ain't too proud to beg! Luckily though, I don't have to beg, I just have to allow him to take some of the burden for a minute while I catch my breath.

This week I have found myself feeling grumpy, tired, burned out and frustrated. I was dragging myself to the gym, dragging myself out of bed and not too excited to do the things that I really love. I realized that I'm just worn the F out! Going a thousand miles an hour for the last few months has left my brain and body depleted. My workouts have been sucking, I'm craving sugar and carbs, and I'm tired. I know myself and my body well enough to recognize that my body is screaming at me to take a break. No amount of sugar or caffeine will give it what it needs, it just needs some down time. Since running away to the mountains is my first go-to to recharge, and that's not an option, my second choice was to take a day off. 

Raise your hand if taking a day off is possible for you? Yeah, me either. What is possible for me, is to remove a few things from my calendar and take a partial day off. My husband saw the stress and exhaustion on my face and was more than happy to offer to help. The ball then bounces back to me to actually allow him to help. In case you haven't noticed, I'm the "do it myself" type. I prefer to handle my own things. I struggle with allowing others to help and am a bit of a control freak. (The first step is admitting you have a problem, right?) So for me to step back and allow others to shoulder the burden can actually feel more stressful than just doing it myself. I have become more comfortable with asking for and accepting help. It's taken time, but I have slowly learned that the relief I feel from letting go, outweighs the stress of things not being done "my way". I've learned to accept that the dishes may not be exactly as I would put them in the dishwasher, but they are in there and they will be clean.

If you've felt this way, here are a few things I suggest you do to reduce your stress and give yourself a break:

1. Accept that there is more than one way to do it, and you're not always right. - Ugh. Gut punch a little there? You are probably the most amazing __________ ever. Allow someone else to take over that particular task, just for a little while and who knows they might get as good as you at it! Plus, you'll get a break.
2. Ask for help. - Actually say it out loud! One of my biggest mistakes has been to not actually verbalize what I need, but to instead expect others to read my mind. They should just know that I need help, shouldn't they?! Well they don't so go ahead and ask, out loud.
3. Give yourself permission to rest. - This is the hardest one for me. I feel enormous guilt when I'm not checking off boxes on a to-do list and moving at lightning speed. Your body and your mind need a break. You don't have to zone out for hours, but do back off for a day. If sitting on the couch gives you more stress, find a mindless task to keep your hands busy while your brain takes a break.

Remember, if you don't listen when your body is telling you to back off, it'll take things into its own hands and you'll find yourself sick as a dog in bed with no option but to rest. If you do take a break, you'll find that you are recharged and ready to climb even higher mountains as soon as you're done resting. Allow your partner or family to help you and for heaven's sake, don't forget to ask for that help! They love you but they can't read your mind, they're only human.....So, by the way, are you!
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