Blog Post

Are you looking to make a big change? 

Or a big shift in your life? 

Has this been on your heart for a while? 

Maybe you are motivated by a few different reasons, but you haven’t taken the action yet. 

 If so, you have something in common with many of my clients! As the year is coming to a close, I was reflecting on many of the women that I've helped over the last year. I realized they all had this one thing in common that I didn't expect:

They all made a pretty major shift in their life, at the same time, or shortly after working with me. 

So I started to wonder why that was the case. It’s interesting that sometimes
when we make changes in our life, it seems like the ripple effect is massive and immediate. 

What Stops Us From Making Changes?

If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not to take action on your desired goal, you're likely in one of two camps. 

The first one is you're
waiting to leap. You're not quite sure because you want everything to be ready and in place. Everything needs to be just right. If you’re catching yourself saying, “I’ll start when. . . “ you have your tent staked in this camp. Sound familiar? “I want to do X, I'm waiting until Y.” 

The other camp that you might find yourself in is that
you’re not sure it's the right thing to do, or if you'll be successful at it. Maybe you're thinking of making that change, and you  know you don't love where you are right now. But on the other side is the unknown, and  you’re unsure about it and whether or not you’d be happier over there. So you stay where you’re comfortable rather than take the risk in transitioning and perhaps being unsuccessful. 

So if you're one of those two camps, I've got some advice to get you through that decision making process and off the fence. 

What is the Best Way to Change Your Life?

Taking care of yourself is the solution. 

I know you probably aren’t shocked. But, trust me,
taking care of yourself is the right answer no matter which camp you’ve chosen. Whether you're in Camp A or Camp B, if you start to prioritize your self-care, you’ll be able to either take the leap, or feel confident that taking the leap is going to be a good idea. 

Here's why: When you start taking care of yourself, you have more energy. When you have more energy, you can do more things. 

This means, if you're looking at making a career change, if you're looking at starting your own business, if you're looking at making a shift in your personal life, whatever. But if you're dead ass tired, you can't do it. You can't be successful. Instead, if you have
energy and you're bouncing out of bed in the morning, you're going to be a lot more successful. 

When you take care of yourself, when you
prioritize your self-care, you also gain focus and mental clarity, because you clear out the crap that you're eating, that's giving you brain fog. And because you're exercising that will also result in diminished brain fog. Plus, you also get clear on your goals. You get clear on what really matters to you.

When you begin
focusing and streamlining your schedule, you're chunking things down and taking out what doesn't matter. It gives you room. It makes space for change, physical change, and changes of circumstance. 

Finally, you've heard the expression feel good - look good, right? But when you feel amazing, you do amazing. After taking care of yourself for 12 weeks, you will feel amazing, so you will do amazing. 

How Do You Decide to Make a Big Change?

So here's what I want to suggest that you do if you find yourself in one of these camps tonight, or tomorrow morning, sit somewhere quiet, find some time alone, uninterrupted. Jot down a couple of thoughts of what it is you want to do. Then add to your list what you think  is holding you back. If you want to go a little deeper, here are
Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Make a Lifestyle Change.

If you find yourself thinking, “When this happens, then I will do that,” see if you can find a way to make that not conditional. See if you can say,  “I want to do this and I'm going to.” 

If you find yourself saying, “I'm not sure if I'm going to be successful; I'm not sure if the grass is really greener over there,” do some research, do some thinking, do some soul searching and figure out what you really really want, and if that will make you happier.

Once you’ve finished your journaling,
schedule a call with me or send me an email to share with me what you’ve decided. If you need help making the leap and to start feeling better, looking better, and doing better, we can do that for you together. 

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