Blog Post

If you’ve been following my page for any amount of time, you know how I feel about excuses. And lately, I have been hearing A LOT of excuses. Some of my followers seem to be confusing these with “reasons” when they start explaining to me 

  • Why they can’t manage to get enough vegetables
  • Why they can’t get to the gym
  • Why they can’t drink enough water
  • Why they can’t get enough protein
  • Why they can’t get proper rest

Let’s get crystal clear on the fact that these are EXCUSES and nothing more, and why these excuses aren’t serving you in your life. 

Why Your Excuses Aren’t Serving You

The reason why we need to start calling excuses what they are is so we can get them out of the way and you can start feeling better. 

If you are telling yourself stories like, “I’ve tried everything,” “I need you with me for every workout,” or “I can’t stick to super restrictive diets” then it’s time to listen up. 

Excuse #1: “I've tried everything.”

I can't tell you how many times I've heard that. The easy answer is no, you haven’t. Because you haven't tried the HD Transformations way. Most plans don't incorporate everything I do: mindset, nutrition, and movement. I created
Self-Care for Female Leaders because even my own plans were missing pieces. I had a nutrition plan, I had a workout plan, and I had mindset coaching, but they weren't all together. You need all three. It's like the trifecta of health. 

So any diet works, right? Anytime we change what we're doing, our body reacts. But the problem is, is our body adapts really easily also. And sometimes our body doesn't react the way we want it to. It's really important to have the knowledge behind the information to make sure that the change that you're making to your diet makes sense for your body. 

You also want to make sure the plan is sustainable. Too many of these diets or eating plans are not sustainable, meaning you can’t do them for the rest of your life. You cannot live on 1200 calories a day for the rest of your life, I promise you. Sure, it may get you looking really skinny right now. But you're also going to feel like garbage: you won’t have any energy, you will lack focus, and soon you’ll start depleting your body of really important nutrients. 

Any workout works, right? As soon as you change that your body also responds. Again, it's important to know what's important for your body. If you're a woman over the age of 25, you better start lifting some weights. A lot of people believe running on the treadmill cardio all day every day makes you skinny, because cardio makes you skinny. The truth is it’s actually going to make you fatter! Second, it's going to deplete your muscles, which causes your bone density to drop. A woman in her mid 30s, mid 40s, mid-50s does not want low bone density because it's going to lead to a lifetime of problems. 

A proper fitness routine should be focusing on muscle and bone. One must have the other. You can do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) with LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) cardio. I did a
whole podcast episode about this which you can listen to here. But you've got to know the right combination for you. Not just for your body but for your schedule. Again, is it sustainable to go and walk on the stairclimber two hours a day everyday? Probably not. I doubt you have that kind of time.

HD Transformations encompasses a plan that is all-inclusive with the workout, the nutrition, and the mindset. I have found this mindset to be the piece above everything else, and the one all the other plans are missing. If you don't have what's between your ears straight, you can't stick to the plan. 

One of my clients had tried every plan out there. She experienced success, but then yo-yo’d back up. When we started working together, we found that she was restricting her diet way too much, and she was overtraining. In combination, it was no wonder she was gaining weight and becoming heavier. She could not build muscle, she was retaining body fat like crazy, and she felt terrible. Through our process, we began to reform her eating. She was terrified to increase her calories. We switched up her workouts. 

The most important thing we did was address her self-love. My client was beating herself up so badly over her failure to succeed with the plans that she was on that she was in a bad mental place. This was only causing her body to hold on to fat more. Your body is no different. 

Once we got all three pieces in alignment and got her on track, she feels and looks amazing. I'm so proud of her! 

Excuse #2: “I need you with me for every workout.”

I've heard this one a lot lately. Seriously, though, you don't. I told you I was gonna be honest with you today. I will happily be there to support you to make sure you do what you need to do, to make sure that your form is good, and your workouts are safe. You are an adult. You don't need a babysitter. Or if you do, I'm not your person. Find somebody else that does that. 

You need to get your own butt to the gym. That's on you. I've had clients with this mindset, and even when we did every single workout together, they didn't see success. Why not? Because the other 23 hours of the day, I was not next to them holding their hand, and they didn't hold up their end of the bargain. They didn't do what they needed to do outside of the gym to see success. And success happens mostly outside of the gym. 

The hard truth is you have to take ownership of your life. I've said this a million times I will continue to say you are in charge. You have to get your own self to the gym. If you need a babysitter, you best be looking in the mirror and doing some work. Then you call me when you've decided to take ownership and be a grown up.

Excuse #3: “I can't stick to super restrictive diets.”

This one I actually like. I mean, I can’t stick to super restrictive diets either! They suck! That's why this isn't that. I want you to learn how to fuel your body for the lifestyle you want to live.

Your lifestyle includes parties, holidays, barbecues, and movie night. So let's learn how to enjoy that and feel good so you can literally have your cake and eat it too. 

I had a client, and I just adored her. And one day she was in tears. Why? Because she was craving chocolate so badly! She was absolutely beside herself. I told her eat the damn chocolate! She was so freaked out that if she had one little bite of chocolate or one little piece of chocolate, it would derail her and totally take her off course. She thought she had to be super strict because all the other diet plans she had tried and failed were like that. 

I’m not here to set anyone up for failure. I designed a plan to fit your lifestyle. If it fits in your macros have your piece of chocolate in fact, I am a brand ambassador for
Jo Jo's Chocolate and make sure I plan my macros so I can have a piece every single day. No joke! And I signed up to be an ambassador for them because it's a great product with protein and less sugar than typical chocolate, so what's not to love? It's okay to want chocolate. 

Stop making excuses and start taking ownership of yourself and what you want in life. You haven't tried HD Transformations Self-Care for Female Leaders and the plan I designed around nutrition, movement, and mindset. There are ways to make sure that you change your body for the better. It's a sustainable thing you can do forever. And it fits the lifestyle you want to live. I promise you, you can do this. It's possible. It doesn't have to be miserable. So if you would like to not be miserable, you'd like to feel better,
schedule a call with me today.

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