Blog Post

You’ve heard the saying, “If you can dream it, you can achieve it,” right? So, let’s do a little visual exercise. I’d ask you to close your eyes, but then you couldn’t read the scene😉 , so bear with me and just let your mind work: 

A Visualization Exercise

I want you to imagine that today is December 6. It's chilly outside, you're just waking up for the day. As you hear the alarm start to go off and wake you from your sleep, you feel excited for the day ahead. You can't wait to get out of bed; you can't wait to get started. You already know today is going to be amazing. Why is it going to be amazing? Let me tell you: you're going to start your day with your morning routine. It’s already a habit you have in place, and it includes all the things that you love: exercise, meditation, journaling, gratitude, and all the things that fill up your cup. 

After your morning routine, you're feeling relaxed, refreshed, energized, and focused. You're ready to take on the day. As you open your agenda, you see you have a full schedule in the day and week ahead. At first glance, it seems impossible; you can't imagine that you're able to do all the things that you need to do. As you look closer at your calendar, you see the things that fill your cup. The items on your list are your highest priority, and you love doing them. Okay, so maybe there may be a few things on there that aren't your favorite, but they don't dominate your calendar. You've chosen to put them where they are with intention and for a reason. What else do you notice on that calendar? Time for you. Not just time in your morning routine, but throughout the day, throughout the week. Time for unexpected things, so that life doesn't knock you off kilter when things happen. 

And of course, being December, you have holiday events. Actually, you have plans this evening for a holiday party. You do a quick check in with your body and realize you don't feel stressed about it. In fact, you're actually excited about it! Why? Because you know you are going to look dang good when you show up. You also notice you feel confident and not stressed because you are assured you’ll be able to make healthy choices without guilt, shame, or awkwardness. You’ll make choices in alignment with who you are simply because you're a healthy person. You have now become that person. A person who lives healthy all the time and makes healthy choices all the time. You smile as you think of how easy it is for you to do it. 

Over the last 12 weeks, you have been working on putting habits into your life seamlessly and easily, without stress. In fact, your new habits reduce your stress. You've been exercising regularly, so your body looks amazing, and you feel strong and lean. Your clothes are looser. Maybe you bought a new outfit. You pause as you remember you haven't bought a new outfit for a holiday party in years. Now, because of the work you’ve put in over the last 12 weeks of
Self Care for Female Leaders, you had to buy something new. Something that fits well and reflects your new level of confidence.

You've been talking to me as your coach every couple weeks. During that time we’ve knocked down some massive barriers. Every time something came up, you took it, knocked it down, and you kept going. You've learned what your body likes and what it doesn't. Your weekends have been fun. They've been filled with adventure and time with your family doing active things with energy to spare. Just last night, you took a bubble bath just because you wanted to. You had time because you made time in your schedule.

Your focus shifts back to the day ahead of you. You think of work, and you remember your coworkers have been asking you what are you doing. They noticed how amazing you look, and wonder what’s happening. Your relationships are better than they've ever been. It all leads back to you being a healthier and happier version of you. Now you can show up and be a better partner, a better spouse, a better mom, and a better friend. Your kids are loving all your new recipes. Even better, they really enjoy being part of the process. So now, healthy eating has gone from something that nobody wanted to do to something the whole family looks forward to doing together. 

Part of your gratitude work today is to thank yourself. You take a moment and thank yourself for making the decision 12 weeks ago to invest in you, your health, and your future. You put energy and time into you, and now it's paid out big dividends. 

Your future self wants to thank you, too. Your future self wants you to make a decision today, so that on December 6 when you wake up, this is how you feel.

Does that sound amazing?

Commit to You Today

It’s possible to wake up and be excited for the day. It can be your reality to feel confident moving through your day. You can improve all aspects of your life, not just your health, but your relationships, and your work environment.

It’s true. And I have dozens of clients who have walked that path and have
gotten those results

Let me ask you this: Where were you 12 weeks ago? Where were you mid-June? Think about how you felt physically? Emotionally? How is today different from that? If it's not different, how is December? Can it be different from today? Or January or February or March? Think back to a year ago, September? How did you feel compared to today? 

I hope that you're starting to get the concept that there's a huge price if you wait.  The price is your happiness, stress, exhaustion. If you're
willing to change, and take the time and energy and begin to put the work into yourself right now, and you commit to doing the things you need to do to improve your life right now, by December, you could be feeling that amazing day. Every day could be that amazing day, even through the craziest month of the year. You deserve to be the best version of you. You know, you don't need to have a new year's resolution. You’ll be there before New Year’s, but only if you decide today. 

So now that we've talked about where you were then and where you could be, what's your decision? 

I hope you're ready to take care of you. I hope you're ready to say, “Yep. It's time. I want to feel amazing in December. I want to feel amazing tomorrow. I don’t want to wake up December 6 and feel the way I feel right now (or how I felt three months ago).” If that's the case for you,
schedule a call with me so we can move you towards a life you dream about.

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